The Perfect Law of Love: Torah and the Everlasting Gospel Part10: Hindrances to Faith – Addressing Misinterpretations

Both dispensationalism and antinomianism have sparked considerable debate within Christiancommunities, and interpretations vary widely among different denominations and theologians. It’sessential to recognize that these theological frameworks are just one aspect of biblical interpretationand that multiple perspectives exist within the Christian tradition. In his letters, Paul addresses the issue of how the Law should be understood... Continue Reading →

The Perfect Law of Love: Torah and the Everlasting Gospel Part 8: The Complete Victory – Tying It All Together

Yeshua, as our Passover sacrifice Lamb, fulfilled the symbolic significance of the Passover lamb in theOld Testament and simultaneously accomplished freedom from the bondage of sin and the penalty, that being death eternal, including the Law of the Divorced Woman. To understand this, we need to explore the parallel between the Passover Lamb and Yeshua’s... Continue Reading →

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